data science

Data Science Operationalization: What the heck is it?

Data Science Operationalization Defined Data science operationalization, in concept, is simple enough: Take Machine Learning (ML) or Artificial Intelligence (AI)…

5 years ago

AutoML and Beyond – Part 1

With AutoML trending in data science, our CEO spoke at #Ai4Finance on data preparation, aggregating tables, feature engineering, the #AutoML…

5 years ago

Are You Ready For Full-cycle AutoML on Python? – Part 2

conclusion from last week...Part 2 Beyond AutoML : Data Science Automation  While the rise of AutoML platforms has provided for…

5 years ago

#DataScience and #AI, meet #PredictiveAnalytics

Predictive Analytics World 2019 in Las Vegas - Caesar's Palace - has just gotten started!Imagine - "Data Science Without Headaches."…

6 years ago