Webinar: Introduction to Time Series Analysis & Forecasting

dotData Time Series Webinar

From smart cities to smartwatches, businesses, organizations, and even individuals generate massive amounts of time-stamped data. This leads to a plethora of data that can be useful across the business to generate new and deeper insights when integrated and analyzed.

Due to the interconnected nature of systems today, the ability to analyze data from multiple sources to uncover patterns using time series data is an increasingly important skill for data scientists to include in their toolbox.

This webinar will provide a practical introduction to time series analysis and forecasting, from basic concepts to advanced machine learning techniques. Watch this webinar to learn:

  • How to solve common data wrangling, feature engineering, model identification, and construction challenges related to working with time series data.
  • See example real-world applications across business, economics, and science will be used to demonstrate key concepts.

Whether you’re a beginner in data science or an experienced professional, this webinar will provide valuable insights and practical skills to enhance your time series toolset. Watch it on demand now!