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dotData Insight for Salesforce. Your (Unfair) Marketing Advantage 

Convert more MQLs to SQLs by analyzing millions of Salesforce data points in near-real-time without Data Scientists.

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A Re-Imagined Way of Finding Vital Marketing Signals

Your Salesforce data is packed with insights, but most are trapped inside a maze of tables, custom fields, and historical tables. dotData Insight is unlike anything you have used before. It uses AI-powered pattern discovery, LLM-based data interpretation, and direct connectivity to Salesforce to discover high-value marketing signals quickly and automatically.

Lead to Opportunity Conversion

Discover what drives lead conversion in minutes, not days

Lead Generation

See which segments to target and generate more leads at a lower cost without hours of reporting.

Campaign Response 

Tailor campaigns are based on key drivers that point to higher response rates.

Webinar Attendee & Registration

Discover what drives increases in the number of Webinar registrations and attendees

Nurture Sequence Optimization

Explore all your marketing automation data to uncover key drivers of lead conversion.

Automated Segmentation

Automatically find segments to optimize metrics based on hidden patterns

Maximize Form Completions

Find segments of your audience most likely to complete any of your forms.

SDR / Outbound

Focus your outbound efforts on the best-performing segments by identifying high-value targets.

Connect to Salesforce quickly & securely

  • Oauth2 Connectivity for proven security and reliability
  • Minimize data cleansing by automatically inferring metadata such as data types and relationships.
  • Define custom columns, lead conversion status, and more

Dig deeper into your analysis with LLM-assisted interpretation

  • Get quick overviews of what really matters in your results with LLM-generated summaries.
  • Ask follow-up questions to understand how to dive deeper into your next iteration to refine your findings.

Define your goals and the data to explore 

  • Select the column for the metric you would like to improve.
  • Define the columns you want to analyze against your goal - across multiple related tables.
  • Sit back and relax. dotData will automatically discover the conditions that impact that metric the most in a matter of minutes.

Find the “magic thresholds” that impact your target metrics the most

  • Find the best signal combinations by balancing segment size and the change in business metrics as indicators of importance.
  • Real-time visualization of custom metrics for a multifaceted business evaluation

dotData Insight is like having a marketing analyst who adapts to your data almost in real time to highlight what is working, what is not working, and what you should consider testing further.
You'll spend less time analyzing trends and more time discovering actionable strategies for your team.

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dotData Insight for Salesforce. Your (Unfair)

Marketing Advantage